Saturday, August 31, 2019

Charismatic Leadership Essay

Abstract This essay gives an overview of various leadership types and focuses on the charismatic leadership. It attempts to explain the charismatic leadership process with an example of Mahatma Gandhi as a charismatic leader. It goes further and explores the attributes that a charismatic leader possesses. The essay also tries to find out various effects of charismatic leadership on the organization. While mentioning the positive effects of the charismatic leadership, it also investigates the â€Å"dark† side of the charismatic leadership. After reading the essay the readers are expected to have gained enough familiarity with this kind of leadership and at the end of the essay I would like to put forth a couple of questions regarding charismatic leadership which have remained unanswered after reading the material I have cited. Introduction Any type of organization runs successfully when it is piloted by a skillful and influential leader. While leaders motivate their followers, it is not the only thing leaders can do. A good leader can structure the organization in the way he wants. He represents the culture of the organization and most importantly, it has been observed that effective leaders posses a capacity to increase the productivity of the organization. Various scholars categorize leadership styles in a different way. Lewin (1939) classifies leadership styles in three categories: Autocratic Leadership, Democratic Leadership and Delegative (Laissez-Faire) Leadership [1]. Max Weber classifies leaders as Bureaucratic Leader, Traditional Leaders and Charismatic Leaders [2]. In  1978 Burns defined yet another classification: Transactional Leaders and Transformational Leaders [2]. Burns Transformational Leadership is similar to Charismatic Leadership style proposed by Weber. Since 1978 a lot of research has been done on various aspects of charismatic leadership. In this essay I would like to focus on charismatic leadership, its attributes and traits in charismatic leaders. What is charismatic leadership? Weber defines charismatic leadership as â€Å"resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person, and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordained by him† [3]. He envisaged religious leaders like Jesus as charismatic leaders. Later researches considered various social-political leaders like Mahatma Gandhi as charismatic leaders. Dictators like Hitler also had some charismatic traits. These were the leaders with exceptional qualities which made them almost god-like for their followers. The charm of such people made their followers go behind these leaders without questioning them. While analyzing such a strong bond between the leaders and his followers Weber focuses on the social patterns and conditions under which the leader exists. However, the later researches throw light on the psychological attributes of the leaders which make them successful charismatic leaders. Research shows that charismatic leaders appeal strongly to the values of the followers and it is this psychological bondage between the two which makes the charismatic leadership succeed. Neither the sociologically oriented Weberian approach nor the psychological approach alone can explain charismatic leaders. The approaches together, however, give the better analysis of charismatic leadership. Charismatic Leadership Process Charismatic leadership process is seen as a compound product of three  factors: The leader and his attributes, the social situation which demands for such a leader and the interaction between the leader and his followers. Charismatic leadership process undergoes six steps from the rise of the leader to the final routinization and thus the fall of the leader [4]. I would like to identify Mahatma Gandhi as a charismatic leader and explain these six steps with an example of his leadership in India’s non-violent freedom movement. Step 1: Identification This step takes place from the composite mixture of the three factors mentioned above. It is a stage where the aspiring leader is on the social horizon; the followers are in distress and are looking forward to someone who will identify himself with their problems. The social situation is increasingly getting worsened in this stage. This is the time when the leader establishes him as a potential leader but the followers, by large, remain passive. In Gandhi’s leadership this can be said to have taken place during the years 1915-1920 when Gandhi was back to India from a successful movement in South Africa. India had no tall leader whom it could depend on and Gandhi’s charisma was just started showing its colors (Champaran and Kheda Satyagraha) [5]. Step 2: Activity Arousal In this step the leader arouses the follower to become the part of the change. Followers who were passive admirers of the leader till the earlier phase become active supporters of the leader and the cause for which he is identifying himself. The longer this stage lasts the longer is a span of the charismatic leadership. In Gandhi’s case this step lasted from 1920 till 1930. Gandhi’s non-cooperation movement in 1921 is a precise example of activity arousal stage where he awakened the whole country to rise against the British rule [6]. Step 3: Commitment Commitment stage in the charismatic leadership is without any doubt the most  interesting step in the process. This step takes the charismatic leadership at the peak and at the same time this is the phase when the charismatic leader starts losing his charisma. This step starts by demonstrating the extreme commitment of the leader towards the goal and same commitment from the followers towards the leader. This demonstration often takes the shape of some kind of sacrifice on the part of the leader or impending danger on the leader. This sacrifice or danger makes the image of the leader as courageous and dedicated in the eyes of many followers. Interestingly, this same act makes some of the elite followers disillusioned and they start suspecting their leader as pompous and hypocrite. This is the stage where the leadership can be bifurcated into two categories as a personalized leadership and socialized leadership. The first type of leadership tends to become authoritarian and exploita tive. The second type of leader is more egalitarian and he will share power and responsibility with others. In either way, the personalized leader will become dictator and will lose his charisma and the socialized type of leader will help routinizing the leadership! The example for personalized leader can be of Hitler who ultimately became a dictator. Gandhi can be seen as a fusion of both types with definitive inclination towards socialized type of leadership. For Gandhi the commitment stage can be said to have lasted from 1930 to 1935. Salt Satyagraha can be considered as the peak of his charisma and the diplomatic failure at the Round Table Conference can be seen as the first symbol of the next step of the disenchantment [7]. Step 4: Disenchantment This phase is quite unavoidable and sometimes even intentional on the part of the leader. Many times social structure brings the disenchantment stage. Sometimes, because the leaders themselves know that they are not immortal, they try to bring the routinization in the leadership. This routinization brings the feel of loss of goal to some followers. This step may lose some of the strongest followers from the leader. This step is also an outcome of  the scenario when the leader seems to be failing. As the charismatic leaders are not very good at the formal procedural leadership [4] more routinization brings more failure and more disenchantment of the followers. In Gandhi’s case disenchantment started from 1933 and lasted till 1938 in which stage he lost many of his old followers like Subhas Chandra Bose [8]. However this is the phase where the process of routinization seemed to have taken place distinctly. Step 5: Depersonalization This step is a logical follower of the earlier step of disenchantment. Disenchantment starts because of routinization and it leads to the depersonalization and formalization of the leadership. The leadership style becomes more and more like bureaucratic leadership. The leader starts delegating his tasks to his followers. This phase comes in Gandhi’s leadership during 1938-1942. This is the period when he made it clear that Jawaharlal Nehru will be his political heir. It is the time when he withdrew himself partly from the active politics [9]. Step 6: Alienation This is a process of disintegration of the three factors mentioned in the beginning which had come together in phase one. In this step, due to the formalization and bureaucratization of the leadership, charismatic leadership becomes increasingly redundant. The followers feel that the organization and the leader are going away from the initial goal and thus they start alienating  themselves from the organization and the charisma of the leader fades as the social situation which has made him appeal to the masses has changed. This stage does not necessarily mean the failure of the leader. In many cases, having achieved the goal for which the charismatic leader had risen, the leader becomes redundant for his followers and the goal itself becomes redundant for the leader. Years 1942-1948 show this phase in Gandhi’s leadership. Though Gandhi remained popular and worshiped leader of India till his assassination, his charisma faded gradually in his last years [10]. Attributes of Charismatic leaders After having described what is charismatic leadership and how does it work, it is interesting to find out what makes one a charismatic leader. What are the attributes that a charismatic leader posses or what are the traits which make someone a potential charismatic leader? It is clear from the above discussion that the actual rise of such a leader is a composite function of various variables. However, this section will try to describe the personal traits that make a person a potential leader. There are some attributes which are exhibited by a person at his childhood or adolescence which make a person potential charismatic leader. This statement is quite ambitious and somewhat exaggerated. However, the converse of the sentence is true. The research shows that charismatic leaders do show some specific pattern of behavior at their adolescence [11]. Parental Attachment Style and Parental Psychological Control [11] It has been observed that a way a child is attached to his parents in his adolescence plays important role shaping him as an effective charismatic leader. It is seen that young adult securely attached to his parents tends to form a positive relationship with his followers in the later life. Many of the qualities possessed by a charismatic leader such as self-confidence, self-esteem are also found in a child who has a parental attachment style which is secure, autonomous and displays relatedness. These attributes are considered as positive attributes in parental attachment style for the development of a charismatic leader. It is also obvious that these qualities in the parental attachment style make the child emerging to an adult more self-aware and help him making sense of his place in the world. Empirical research suggests that charismatic leaders also have same sense of self-awareness and they are often introspective in evaluating their own beliefs. Thus, it is proposed that there is a positive relationship between parental attachment style and displays of charismatic leadership by  emergent adult. It is seen, on the other hand, that parental control impedes the development of an emergent adult. Excessive psychological control by parents on the child makes him insecure and less confident. This proves to be a barrier in his development as a charismatic leader. Parental psychological control also acts as an obstacle in establishing social relations and it create a situation of isolation for the emergent adult. Psychological control is seen as a negative factor in emergent adults’ displays of charismatic leadership Apart from above mentioned attribute, which attempts to answer the question â€Å"who are the charismatic leaders†, there are some attributes which try to answer the question â€Å"what makes a person a charismatic leader†. Here are some traits which can be identified with the charismatic leader [12]. Self-Monitoring One of the qualities of the charismatic leaders is that they watch themselves. They are constantly aware of the fact that their followers are watching them and so they find it important that they portray a good picture of themselves for their followers. As the charismatic leaders are born out of the blend of social scenario and follower’s needs, it becomes imperative for such leaders to constantly identify themselves with that social scenario and the need. Charismatic leaders can manage that only if they monitor themselves to make sure that they are still answering to the same plea which made them such a popular leader. Self-Actualization Self motivation is an important part of charismatic leadership. The leader gets motivated by the social scenario without being prompted about it. He can address his followers with the vigor only when he is self-actualized himself. It has been observed that such leaders not only motivate themselves but they have a capacity to transform this self-actualization to their  followers as well. They actually raise their followers from one level to the higher level. Motive to Attain Power Charismatic leaders often do not seek conventional power. They may not ask for an official post or position but what they look for is a social power. They want their follower to respect them and see them as their saviors. They want to win the position in their follower’s hearts. They look for identifying themselves with their follower’s values and shared beliefs. Such leaders are rated high on their social skills to persuade the masses and appeal them to their hearts. It is this power which keeps them popular for longer time. Self Enhancement Charismatic leaders are known for their self-correcting nature. They judge themselves on a strict scale. They continuously strive to become better. They, in fact, know that it is this â€Å"superiority† in them which makes them different from their followers. Charismatic leaders believe that when eventually they will bring their followers to their present level of â€Å"superiority†, they themselves should have gone one step above it to remain their leaders. Openness to Change While most of the other types of the leaders try to maintain status-quo as they are often afraid that change might depose them from the power, charismatic leaders are open to change. In fact, they represent the change and many times they prove to be the ones who bring about the changes. It is interesting to note that charismatic leaders are most powerful in the situation which demands the changes! Outcomes of charismatic leadership Having seen the process of the charismatic leadership and the attributes which the charismatic leaders posses, it becomes unavoidable to discuss the outcomes of the charismatic leadership. Many scholars see charismatic leadership as positive force which yields desirable results. However there  are some scholars who focus on negative aspects of the charismatic leadership. We will see both sides of the charismatic leadership. It is observed that charismatic leadership motivates followers to give extra output than what is expected from them otherwise. It also achieves self-actualization in its followers [12]. It is seen that charismatic leadership works in a social structure to heighten the morale of the followers. It shapes the society the way the followers and the leader had dreamt. In the business world also the charismatic leadership works positively. It increases the overall performance of the organization. It creates a sense of  fulfillment in the followers. It also creates a sense of unity and belongingness in the followers towards the organization. Charismatic leadership also has severe negative effects in some cases. The shared vision and ideas between the leader and followers create enormous energy in the organization. The leader can employ this energy in destructive way. The more the leader’s self-confident is the more are the chances that the leader will misuse the power. It’s been observed in many cases that charismatic leaders have abused their powers. Many companies have witnessed their high rank leaders going corrupt [13]. Because of excellent communication abilities of the charismatic leaders and due to the fact that they display some kind of charisma, the whole organization follows these leaders wholeheartedly and there remain absolutely no resistance for the leader. Without any check on the power, it doesn’t take time for the leader to go corrupt. Any healthy organization shows competition for power which also represents tussle between values and with lack of this tussle there remains no control on the leader. Followers of the charismatic leaders are so blinded by his charisma that they might even do some acts that they wouldn’t have done ordinarily. Atrocious acts by German soldiers under Hitler’s leadership are an apt example [13]. It was an unquestionable loyalty for their leader that compelled them to act in the way that they mostly wouldn’t have acted otherwise. Discussion This essay explains enough information about the charismatic leadership. There are some questions about the charismatic leadership which have still remained unanswered. After describing the attributes of the charismatic leader and the positive and negative outcomes of the charismatic leadership, it remains unknown that what makes a charismatic leader a â€Å"hero† and  what makes him a â€Å"villain†. Are there any specific attributes that make charismatic leader as a â€Å"hero† or a â€Å"villain†? The second question is regarding the â€Å"making of charismatic leaders†. After establishing that the charismatic leaders have certain characteristics, it remains to see that if everyone having those attributes can become a successful leader. And this question gives rise to yet another question that whether a charismatic leader can be â€Å"made†. Is it possible to â€Å"create† charismatic leaders by formal education? Third and last qu estion largely depends on the first two questions: If such charismatic leaders can be created by professional training then is it possible to create a â€Å"hero† type of charismatic leaders and avoid â€Å"dark side† of the charismatic leadership? Note: Although I have mentioned charismatic leader as him throughout the essay, the latest research shows that women are more apt to become a charismatic leaders [14]. I have mentioned the charismatic leaders as him because of the fact that most of the charismatic leaders known to the world are men and the examples which I have used are all male leaders! References 1. Lewin, K., R. Lippitt, et al. (1939). â€Å"PATTERNS OF AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR IN EXPERIMENTALLY CREATED SOCIAL CLIMATES†. Journal of Social Psychology 10(2): 271-299. 2. â€Å"Transformational Leadership† 21 November 2008 3. â€Å"Charismatic Domination† Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 22 November 2008 4. Jacobsen, C. (2001). â€Å"Dynamics of charismatic leadership: A process theory, simulation model, and tests.† Leadership Quarterly 12(1): 75. 5. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 1, revised ed., pp. 198-213, The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 6. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 2, revised ed., The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 7. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 3, revised ed., pp. 91-131, The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India,1960 8. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 5, revised ed., pp. 85-101, The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 9. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 6, revised ed., pp. 1-45, The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 10. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 8, revised ed., The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 11. Towler, A. (2005). â€Å"Charismatic leadership development: role of parental attachment style and parental psychological control.† Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 11(4): 15(11). 12. Jung, D. and J. J. Sosik (2006). â€Å"Who are the spellbinders? Identifying personal attributes of charismatic leaders.† Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 12(4): 12(15). 13. DeCelles, K. A. and M. D. Pfarrer (2004). â€Å"Heroes or villains? Corruption and the charismatic leader.† Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 11(1): 67(11). 14. Groves, K. S. (2005). â€Å"Gender differences in social and emotional skills and charismatic leadership.† Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 11(3): 30(17).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hamlet Ghost Appearances

Structured Notebook # 2 2. Analyze the three appearances of the ghost seen in the play. Where did he appear: To whom did he appear? How does the third appearance differ from the first two? What was the significance in this? The appearances of the ghost were both eerie and informing in the book â€Å"Hamlet† by William Shakespeare. The three appearances made by the ghost were to be seen and acknowledged, give hamlet his message of revenge, and to remind Hamlet of his duty. First the ghost appeared to be seen and acknowledged.The guards have seen the ghost outside and invited Horatio to see it for himself. They told people it was the old king of Denmark’s ghost. Which was hamlet’s Father. Horatio is one of Hamlet’s friend and also skeptical about there actually being a ghost. But not long after he joined the guards that night he saw the ghost appear. Marcellus, one of the guards, said, â€Å"Thou art a scholar; speak to it, Horatio. † Horatio tried to make it speak but it quickly left. Horatio rushed to go tell Hamlet.Secondly, the ghost appeared to give his message to Hamlet. When Hamlet first saw his father ghost in the courtyard, the ghost wanted him to follow him. The guards warned him the ghost might lead him to his death. But Hamlet was quick to respond that he had no longer wished living for his mother had married his uncle in a matter of weeks after his father’s death. He already felt devastated and betrayed. When the ghost finally spoke to Hamlet, it told him that he was killed out by his garden by his brother Claudius. Who was now king.He tells hamlet to avenge him by killing Claudius but sparing his mother Gertrude and leaving her for God’s judgment. Hamlet vows revenge for his father and sets off on his plan. Thirdly, after the play that was supposed to imitate the killing of his father by Claudius, Hamlet was seeking his mother because she had wanted to talk to him. It was actually a plan made by Claud ius and Polonius for him to give his mother answers about his weird behavior. On his way he saw Claudius praying in the chapel. He wanted to kill him but didn’t because he thought ince he prayed he would go to heaven. He would have to wait till he sinned. When he got to his mother he found Polonius hiding and killed him. He was yelling at her about Claudius not comparing to his father at all and how he was the lowest of low and the ghost appeared again. He told Hamlet to not forget what he was supposed to be doing. Which was killing Claudius. Not bashing his mom and killing Polonius and wasting time. He listens to his father’s ghost, although his mother did not see the ghost, and takes off.He grabs Polonius body to hide it and goes on with his plan. In conclusion, the three appearances by the ghost were made to be seen and acknowledged, give Hamlet his message of revenge, and to remind Hamlet of his duty. William Shakespeare has been a famous author of writing tragedie s like this one here. His writing about the appearance of a ghost gives more life to his writings. The appearances were very interesting, spooky, and a main part in how this writing was achieved.

Civil War Position Paper Essay

The American Civil War almost tore early America and its population apart. Still today people debate weather slavery was the primary cause for the war. In this paper I will explain why I believe slavery was not the primary cause of the American Civil War. Also I will point out many other factors that may have played a bigger role in the cause of the Civil War. Southern states believed STRONGLY in states’ rights. States’ rights are the belief that one should be loyal to their state instead of the country as a whole, also they believed that states should be able to make their own laws to their liking without having to answer to the country. This alone created tension between the southern states and the northern states for northern states felt that the constitution clearly stated that states can create laws as long as they do not conflict with the laws of the country. In addition to the tension between the north and south congress placed a tax on goods bought outside of the country otherwise known as tariffs. In 1828 and 1832, congress raised tariffs higher and higher. These taxes were hated by the southern states for they did not have many factories unlike they’re northern counterparts, and thus they paid tariffs more often. In one instance a southern state refused to pay the tariff nullifying the tax congress had placed this event known as the nullification crisis drove the wedge between the north and south further The bloody fighting between northern and southern voters in Kansas was another step in the path of the civil war. Due to the popular sovereignty act suggested by Senator Stephen Douglas the people where able to vote on whether that territory would’ve been a free state or a slave state, this caused voters from both the north and the south to pour into these states hoping to tip the scale in their favor in doing this conflict between the two erupted as homes were burned and people were murdered. In conclusion I do not believe that slavery was the primary cause of the civil war. My reason for thinking this is because of all the events that the country had to push though on top of slavery. For starters states rights, tariffs, nullification crisis, the Kansas Nebraska act, and the bleeding Kansas scare all played a bigger part in the cause of the civil war rather then slavery.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Problem Solving Approach to Patient Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Problem Solving Approach to Patient Care - Essay Example Jones since it is holistic and is concerned with how disease progress alters the activities of daily living of the patient. Upon applying the RLT model on Mr. Jones, three problems have been identified: eating/ drinking, mobilization, and death and dying. The nursing model will be implemented for the preparation of the nursing care plan since it is not only a holistic mode, it is also flexible, accessible, and hence can be modeled to suit the specific needs of the client. Respect of Mr. Jones and his preference in care and partnership with other health practitioners will be inculcated in this assignment. At the end of the assignment, care accorded to Mr. Jones with the help of the RTP model will be evaluated and a reflection of my nursing management delineated (Agleton & Chalmers, 2000, p. 10). Nursing models overview Nursing models serve as the foundation of nursing activities since they outline the professional interaction that takes place between a nurse and the patient. Prior to the use of nursing models, nursing was anchored on the medical model. According to this model, the patient gets ill as a result of pathology, once the pathology is detected; treatment modalities are channeled towards eliminating the pathology. It was a mechanized form of managing the patient since it did not take into consideration the other aspects of a patient that may be causing the illness; it did not provide holistic care to the patient. Nursing models are not delicate opinions of nurses, but they are the values, knowledge and ideas that nurses inculcate while taking care of the patients. They are developed following years of practice hence enhancing the validity and reliability of nursing models. They act as a guide in the management of patient, and above all, nursing models are patient centered. This is since they inculcate the nature of the individual, the causes of his problems; the diagnosis arrived at as a result of assessment, the interventions, and assessment of interve ntions. It is important to determine the nursing model that will be used in the management of a patient so as to have a guideline that aids in optimal care of the patient (Aggleton & Chalmers, 2000, p. 10). The Roper-Logan-Tierney (RLT) model The nursing model chosen to manage Mr. Jones is the Roper- Logan- Tierney model. This is a nursing model that has also been described as the human needs model or the activities of daily living model. This model was chosen in the management of Mr. Jones since it is a holistic model. This is since it focuses on the 12 activities of living and assessment how the illness has affected these activities hence identifying the cause. Priorities are then arrived out aimed at eliminating the cause and hence restoring the health of the patient. The activities are outlined as maintaining a safe environment, communication, eating/drinking, elimination, controlling temperature of the body, play and work, mobilization, personal hygiene, sexuality, sleeping, an d death and dying of the patient (Roper, Logan, & Tierney, 2000, p. 20). The model is effective in the management of Mr. Jones since it stipulates the factors that may alter the activities of daily living. It inculcates the environmental, psychological, biological, politico economical, sociological, and educational influences on health of an individual. This cuts across Mr. Jones and how various aspect of his life influences his wellness and illness continuum. Consequently, the Roper- Logan-

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marketing Strategies and Techniques by Coca Cola Assignment

Marketing Strategies and Techniques by Coca Cola - Assignment Example The organization has been effectively successful over the last 100 years. The organization has become an icon of global culture. The organization believes in partnership business with several bottles around the globe. The organization has generated revenue of more than 35 billion US dollar in the year 2010. Moreover, the organization has achieved a net income of almost 12 billion US dollar in the same year. These are a quite impressive number. Presently the organization is operating in more than 200 countries (Vpcomn, 2008, p.2). Moreover, during this point of time near about 139,600 employees are working under the payroll of Coca-Cola (Vrontis, 2003, p.2). The leading global organizations are trying to capitalize on the opportunities that have been created due to globalization. After the Second World War, the concept of globalization has evolved dramatically around the globe. Coca-Cola is one of those organizations who has effectively capitalized on those opportunities. The brand na me is hugely popular in more than 200 countries. Current UK soft drink market has become competitive enough. Several potential organizations within the industry including Coca-Cola are competing within this competitive UK market. Due to the high-calorie issue, recently the consumers are trying to consume fruit flavor juice or low-calorie soft drinks (Pitt, 1999, p.1). PepsiCo the only potential competitor of Coca-Cola is creating several challenges for the organization by introducing several product lines. The current market trend, huge competition and matured sift drink UK market has to make Coca-Cola busy to perform its business activities in the UK market (Wmich, 2012, p.1). Mission, Direction, and objectives Coca-Cola is one of the leading soft drink manufacturing companies. Their business values and activities reflected in their mission statement. Mission The organization used to do business practices according to their mission statement which is: The products will refresh the mind, spirit, and body. The organization will inspire optimism moments......through products, actions, and brands. The organization will create huge value and will create the difference...wherever they are involved (Svendsen, 2013, p.4). Direction and Objective Segment The major business objective of Coca-Cola is to expand its diet coke range with the inclusion of several healthy elements. Moreover, the organization is trying to achieve an impressive market share by entering in UK fruit drink segment. The organization already has started to execute the required strategies in several parts of the globe. But due to huge market saturation in the UK, the organization is planning to enter the fruit drink market by monitoring all the strategies and current market trend (Jones, 2010, p.9).  Ã‚  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Illegal Immigrants and Their Effects on Crime in America Research Paper

Illegal Immigrants and Their Effects on Crime in America - Research Paper Example USA, illegal immigrants represent a relatively high percentage of the population – if compared with other countries with similar political and economic frameworks. The reason is probably that job market in the USA is highly developed – following the high performance of the country’s industries; another reason could be also the fact that the countries surrounding USA – referring especially to the countries cited in the south, especially Mexico – have weak economies– compared to that of USA; therefore, USA is considered by immigrants as an exceptional chance for improving the quality of life; under these terms, immigrants decide to enter USA even illegally – most of them do not meet the requirements for entering the USA legally. This practice has led to the increase of the number of illegal immigrants across USA; at the next level, the increase of criminal activity developed in most states has been related with illegal immigrants. This i ssue is set under examination in this paper; it is proved that the rate of illegal immigration in USA has started to be decreased; however, the crimes in which illegal immigrants are involved have not been particularly reduced; it is concluded that measures need to be taken by the USA government so that immigrants are discouraged from entering the country illegally; in other words, preventive measures should be rather developed instead of punitive ones. The population of illegal immigrants in USA is high; in accordance with a recent report the illegal immigrants in USA are estimated to 11.9 million – a figure reflecting the country’s illegal immigrants population for 2008 (Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee, ALIPAC, 2010); it is also noted that ‘the nations immigrant population (legal and illegal) reached nearly 38 million in March 2007, one-third of which are comprised of illegal immigrants’ (ALIPAC, 2010). In a series of statistics presented by the Center for Immigration Studies, the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Finance - Securities Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance - Securities Analysis - Essay Example and a home page will appear to request you to put in your credentials that are if you have an account in. Alternatively if, one does not have an account you can still register for one by following basic steps. Simply I can invest in facebook. This is because facebook can guarantee you a triple income of what you invested. By selling a single share at $38 facebook has a returning market cap of $104 billion. Just for the record, at the time of the actual IPO opening when NASDAQ was printing shares one could see them post at the Etrade Market Depth tab. Mind you, trade had actually not yet begun, and so what Etrade staff told me was "these were trades being entered". I believed that. The share prices ranged from ask and bid at 45 to 60, then jumped to 100, then 150 and finally 200. The asking price for FB at about 11:20 to 11:30 was 200 bucks. At some point this morning the SEC stopped trade because of short sellers. But whats getting missed is that many buyers, some of them had to be institutional, were willing to pay as much as 200 bucks a share on the IPO offering time. Why do I know this? Both the Market Depth tab and also NASDAQs staff member confirmed, this is "what customers were will ing to offer". NOW then, whats Facebooks valuation? The short sellers were trying to get the stock to below 30 dollars IMHO when SEC stepped in today the 21st. That indicates their willingness to resort to whatever means are necessary. This climate of criminality and greed is working against not only stock investors but also the USA itself. Holding 200 shares for a recovery, (NOT acquired the enormous price btw) and may buy more if they go down again tomorrow. On the 21st shares dropped to 33.00. They may fall more, but the markets too are in a moment of volatility regardless of the one Monday up to date. This was bank stimulated, and when the terrible news seeps back from across the pond again, right back to square

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Intelligence Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Intelligence Research Methods - Essay Example The most in-depth paper that I had to write was a research paper on the class international relations of in the middle-east for the topic; Islam and politics. Although the terminology might not be the same, I am sure with my analytical skills; I can do great and well detailed papers as these are invaluable skill sets. Though the technology has pretty much reduced the need for analytics as there are now softwares that analyze data, these cannot be done away with as they are the ones checking the validity and fundamental worth of data. Although both scholarly and intelligent research methods might seek to determine whether data is reliable and authoritative, the scholarly researchers have not embraced the notion of going out and searching for data sources as the intelligence community does with security in mind. This is very true as in the world of a scholar; there are much analysis and data validation techniques that are applied as the skills are there but not geared towards solving security puzzles. There needs to be integration of the scholarly and intelligence community research methods and processes to shape up great data analysts. Catholic University of America, School of Library and Information Science â€Å"Library Science and Intelligence Analysis: Converging Educational Paths†. You Tube. Flash Video File. (Accessed April 9, 2014)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What is critical theory, its purpose and Robert Cox quotations, Essay

What is critical theory, its purpose and Robert Cox quotations, purpose and who is it for - Essay Example king of a problem-solving theory under the process of normatively and factually criticizing the original framework of international relations and beliefs thereof (Marilli). It would involve realization of a whole new historical configuration for the world that used to be known and established in the light of societies that have become accustomed to Marxist principles or the type in which central powers are normally attributed to a capitalist nation as in the U.S (Moolakkattu). Cox occurs to reserve the position that, since the world has undergone mechanisms of change apart from the ordinary cycle in several aspects, critical theory ought to be employed in seeking to study how the mutating political economy may be dealt with on a level that requires mutual global adjustment. Apparently, the purpose herein is to gauge the readiness of America, especially, in acknowledging a tremendous shift in economic and socio-political framework of a world order where its pursuit for world dominance is at stake. In an interview via ‘Theory Talks’, Cox claims â€Å"I think the biggest challenge is the relative decline of the U.S. in relation to the rest of the world and whether and how America will adjust to a world in which it can no longer presume to lead.† Through the critical theory, Eurasia is analyzed to bear the capacity of perceiving America’s encirclement of influence as triggered by the ‘war on terror’ which the Bush regim e initiated and the administration of Obama acquires the pressure of keeping with. Robert W. Cox and Critical Theory of International Relations. 2013.  Robert W. Cox and Critical Theory of International Relations  . [ONLINE] Available at: . [Accessed 01 January 2013]. Theory Talks: Theory Talk #37: Robert Cox. 2013.  Theory Talks: Theory Talk #37: Robert Cox. [ONLINE] Available at:  . [Accessed 02 January

Friday, August 23, 2019

Veteran's Affair Services Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Veteran's Affair Services - Research Paper Example Veteran’s Affair Services When one hears the term ‘veteran’, a perception of its meaning encompasses regular definitions found in the dictionaries, to wit: â€Å"a person who is long experienced or practiced in an activity or capacity† (The Free Dictionary, 2011, par. 1); â€Å"an old soldier of long service or a former member of the armed forces† (Merriam-Webster, 2011, par. 1). In contrast, the Federal definition the term is explicitly stated as â€Å"any person, who served honorably on active duty in the armed forces of the United States† (Veterans’ Agent, 2011, par. 1). These definitions confer that a veteran is a person who has rendered particularly long service, as honorably classified, in the armed forces, not only in the United States, but in other governments as well. ... In this regard, the main purpose of the research is to proffer a study of how Veteran's services affects criminal justice in the United States. Particularly, the objectives of the research are as follows: (1) to present a detailed history of the creation of Veteran’s Affair; (2) to provide a presentation of the mission statement of the social agency; (3) to present financial reports or summaries of the operations of the social agency; (4) to proffer a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the social agency, which includes, but is not limited to: details on how the specific agency interacts with the Criminal Justice System, the services provided, the training of critical personnel, and the motivation of the agency to provide services; (5) to present a commentary on ways in which the social agency could improve its effectiveness towards its social goals; and finally, (6) to provide a prediction concerning the future of the social agency and its impact on the criminal justice system. Historical Background The history of Veterans Affairs (VA) in the US was traced in the year 1636 when a war existed between the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony were at war with the Pequot Indians and a law was enacted by the Pilgrims indicating the support pledged to disabled soldiers (US Dept. of Veterans Affairs: History, 2010, par. 1). The following historical details are presented in tabular form for concise structural arrangement, and sourced from the Dept of VA: History (2010): DATE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS 1776 During the Revolutionary War, Continental Congress encouraged enlistment of soldiers through the provision of pensions to disabled soldiers. 1811 The Federal Government authorized the first domiciliary

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Public international law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public international law - Essay Example Part 1: Background on the Dispute In 1858, Costa Rica and Nicaragua ratified a Treaty of Limits granting Nicaragua sovereign jurisdiction over a 140 km stretch of the San Juan River, and Costa Rica sovereign rights over its right bank, as well as certain ,navigational rights, "con objetos de comercio."2 An 1888 arbitral award rendered by United States President Grover Cleveland affirmed the Treaty's continuing validity3 and upheld Costa Rica's right to navigate the river with revenue service vessels, but not war vessels.3. In 1916, the Central American Court of Justice held that Nicaragua breached the 1858 Treaty by signing the Chamorro-Bryan Treaty of 1914, granting the United States "exclusive proprietary rights" for the construction and maintenance of an inter-oceanic canal through the river. Excluding a 1956 Agreement on river traffic and protection of the border, no events of significance to the treaty regime occurred for almost seventy years. Starting in the 1980s, Costa Rica p rotested Nicaragua's introduction of new restrictions on navigation, while Nicaragua alleged Costa Rica was exceeding its right of free navigation under the 1858 Treaty. Tensions mounted. On September 29, 2005, Costa Rica instituted proceedings against Nicaragua at the ICJ claiming that Nicaragua was in breach of its obligations under the 1858 Treaty. Nicaragua raised no objections to the Court's jurisdiction. Costa Rica sought an order declaring Nicaragua in breach, and requiring Nicaragua to cease unlawful conduct, make reparation, and give assurances of non-repetition. Nicaragua denied breaching any obligations, asserted that any obligations allegedly breached did not derive from any international law rule, and sought a number of rulings on its power to regulate Costa Rica's navigational rights. Part 2: Summary of the Judgment The July 13, 2009 Judgment provides concrete guidance on the extent of Costa Rica's right to free navigation, defines the scope of Nicaragua's power to reg ulate Costa Rica's right, and identifies a customary right of Costa Rican riparians to engage in subsistence fishing. Specifically, the Court held that Costa Rica has a treaty right to free navigation "for the purposes of commerce," including the transport of passengers and tourists, and that Nicaragua cannot impose visa or tourist card requirements on passengers of Costa Rican vessels. Also, the Court concluded that Costa Rican riparians have the right to navigate between their communities to meet everyday essential needs, as do Costa Rican official vessels used solely to provide essential services to riparian communities. Costa Rica does not have the right, however, to navigate with vessels carrying out police functions, to exchange police border post personnel, or to resupply posts. The Court ruled that Nicaragua has the right to require Costa Rican vessels to stop at the first and last Nicaraguan posts on their route; require river travelers to carry an identity document; issue, but not charge for, departure certificates; impose navigation timetables; and require vessels to display the Nicaraguan flag. Part 3: The Judgement 1. On 29 September 2005 the Republic of Costa Rica filed in the Registry of the Court an Application of the same date,

Power and Responsibility Essay Example for Free

Power and Responsibility Essay In an altruistic sense, the burden of responsibility lies in the person making a decision for the a group of people as a whole and the consequences of such decisions or actions is solely limited to the person who made it. Even though a decision has been made in general to serve the people, the consequences still has to be faced. This does not change with an individualistic point of view wherein a profession that requires high standards in order to perform well needs a greater sense of responsibility for choice. A news writer or reporter who reports unverifiable or fallacious facts can easily retract statements in order to suit journalism rules. But when a doctor makes a mistake, people die. There is no difference with regards to the degree of responsibility a person since all professions must possess a deeper sense of responsibility. In the context of utilitarianism however, the concept is aimed for the welfare of persons as a whole in achieving a desired end. Applied in an individualistic view, responsibility lies with choice and a deeper understanding or personal morals and overall ethics. Utilitarian views are also consistent with consequentialism wherein an action may be considered morally right if it contributes more on a favorable consequence rather than a bad one. In this sense, moral values are then based on a good purpose or outcome. Thus the responsibility of an individual relies on the outcome itself and it may only be considered as morally correct when it serves the purpose of the greater good. Although journalism and health are professions that has corresponding moral and ethical systems, utilitarian views present a morally favorable principle wherein actions are guided by the responsibility of doing a good job not only to avoid moral and ethical problems but also in achieving a contribution to the overall utility or good and a drive in achieving excellence. References (n. d. ). Ethics (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Retrieved July 31, 2008, from http://www. iep. utm. edu/e/ethics. htm#SH2b.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Family Trusts Law Problem Question

Family Trusts Law Problem Question This question concerns the law of trusts in the family home. Specifically, Mary requires advice on two questions: whether Philip is entitled to a share in the property, 8 Emerald Way, and whether she is able to sell the house now that she and Phillip have split up. TRUST OF THE HOME The starting point in any case is the identity of the legal owner. Here, the property is in the name of Mary. The prima facie position is that she also controls the beneficial interest[1]. Phillip has two arguments that could be used to claim part of the beneficial interest. The first, and stronger, is that there was an agreement that they should beneficially share the ownership. The second is that he has made direct contributions which lead to a presumption of a resulting trust. CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST This argument centres on a claim that when the title was put into Mary’s name, there was a common intention to share the beneficial ownership. Philip has only one way of demonstrating such an intention; the reason given for placing the property in Mary’s name. In Eves v Eves[2] the man put the property in his name, giving as an excuse that the female was under 21. Likewise another man claimed reasoned that it would prevent adverse effects on her divorce proceedings[3]. In these cases it was held that, but for the excuse, the property would have been registered jointly. Here, the excuse given was that to place it in Philips name would leave a trail for creditors to follow should his business run into trouble. This would appear to satisfy the Eves[4] and Grant[5] authorities except for a distinguishing feature. It appears that it was Philips suggestion and as such there may be a counter-argument stating that this is not a proper excuse case. The rationale of the authorities suggest that the courts would find that there was an intention that both would have ownership and that only the excuse prevented both being entered on the legal title. Philip would also have to show that he acted to his detriment. The courts have been imprecise on the requirements to satisfy this point. In Grant[6] a partner had contributed to the general expenditure which freed up money to pay the mortgage instalments. She was entitled to a share. In Lloyds Bank v Rosset[7] the House of Lords[8] said that merely maintaining the house would not entitle a partner to a share. In Hammond v Mitchell[9] the partner acted as an unpaid assistant to the business which again was an indirect contribution that was rewarded with a share of the beneficial interest. In this case Philip has paid for the new car; paid expenses for the house, and paid for the holiday to Corfu. While none of these are direct payments to the mortgage, all of them are payments which allowed Mary to pay the mortgage payments. Therefore, Phillip has a strong case under Grant[10] that he should be entitled to a share in the beneficial interest. RESULTING TRUST If the court were to find against Philip on either of the above points, he may still claim that a resulting trust arose. He would have to establish that he contributed money to the purchase price of the house. In Springette v Defoe[11], the court ruled that either an original contribution or contributions to the mortgage will suffice. In this case he has not contributed directly to the mortgage. When the house was initially purchased, the couple paid a 5% deposit, in real terms  £5,000. If he contributed anything towards this then he will be able to establish a direct contribution which will entitle him to a beneficial interest. THE SPLIT OF THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST Mary should also be advised on the possible divide that the courts will make should Philip prevail in demonstrating a beneficial interest. Traditionally, for a financial contribution the courts tended to follow the division of the contributions. Since Drake v Whipp[12] this has been less certain with the courts adopting, in their own words, a â€Å"broad brush† approach. In that case, a 20% contribution was rewarded with a 33% beneficial interest. In Drake[13] the distinction between a common intention trust and a resulting trust was emphasised, with an equal split being more likely in the former. She should be warned though that it is possible for Phillip to be awarded an equal share of the property. THE PROBLEM OF SALE If Phillip has a beneficial interest Mary will be a trustee for herself and Phillip. Phillips reaction to an attempted sale will be important. If he consents then naturally there will be no difficulties. If Phillip objected then the crucial point would be the existence of one trustee. Mary would be unable to use the overreaching rules contained in the Land Registration Acts[14]. Mary could still attempt to sell the property but Phillip could attempt to block the sale by seeking relief under section 14 of the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996. This gives the court a wide discretion to grant an injunction. Given the discretion, it is difficult to predict whether Mary would prevail. The court would take into account the original intention of the parties when purchasing the parties, as well as individual factors that are case dependent.[15] CONCLUSION Mary should be advised that it is likely that Phillip will be awarded a share in the beneficial interest, either by way of common intention trust, or a resulting trust. If Phillip objects to the house being sold, he could seek an injunction pursuant to section 14 of TOLATA. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hanbury and Martin‘Modern Equity’ 16th Ed. pub by Sweet Maxwell Doherty M‘Equity and Trusts’ pub by Old Bailey Press Springette v Defoe (1993) 65 P CR 1 Drake v Whipp (1997) 60 MLR 420 Hammond v Mitchell (1991) 1 WLR 1127 Lloyds Bank v Rosset (1991) 1 AC 10 Eves v Eves (1975) 1 WLR 1338 Gissing v Gissing [1971] AC 886 Grant v Edwards (1986) Ch 638 1 Footnotes [1] Gissing v Gissing [1971] AC 886 at 900 [2] (1975) 1 WLR 1338 [3] Grant v Edwards (1986) Ch 638 [4] ibid n2 [5] ibid n3 [6] ibid [7] (1991) 1 AC 107 [8] ibid. obiter [9](1991) 1 WLR 1127 [10] ibid n3 [11] (1993) 65 P CR 1 [12] (1997) 60 MLR 420 [13] ibid [14] 1925 and 2002 Acts [15]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sharing Pirated MP3’s :: File Sharing Essays

Sharing Pirated MP3’s The sharing of MP3 music and its legality is a major issue in our legal system at this time. It has been a battle in the courts for several years now. It all began with the legendary downfall of the original bad boy of sharing, Napster. Despite the legal actions of the music industry, the file sharing community continues to thrive. Millions of users still log on to a handful of programs and illegally trade MP3’s and other computer programs. College students are suspected to be one of the major culprits of People to People file sharing. A survey was conducted in order to obtain an understanding of why students of James Madison University would use People to People sharing programs. More importantly, it was to gain insight into the ethical outlook of students in concern to the sharing of MP3 music files. The survey attempts to determine why, in light of the ethical issue and possible legal repercussions, do JMU students still trade illegally pirated music? The survey was composed of ten multiple choice questions and administered to twenty random students. The students were taken from various areas around the campus in order to obtain a wide variety of responses. It sought to have respondents who were of various age, race, and sex. The surveys were handed out in a classroom, a dining hall, and an events committee meeting for the University Programming Board. Students remained anonymous to the administer and their confidentiality was assured. Most of the students filled out the survey with relative ease and only had to debate on a couple of the questions. Several students were kind enough to give a few extra minutes of their time for various follow up questions. I began to ask students which questions gave them the most trouble. Many felt the last question, asking if downloading MP3’s for free is ethical, was the most thought provoking question. Nineteen of the twenty students surveyed downloaded MP3’s. Fourteen said they felt it was unethical to download the MP3’s, yet most of them continue to download. The question seemed to stimulate an ethical debate inside the respondents of which they had trouble answering. A vast majority of the students simply do not care about pushing ethics aside and continue to download pirated music.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay: Order and Disorder -- Midsummer Night

Order and Disorder in A Midsummer Night's Dream Order and disorder is a favorite theme of Shakespeare. In A Midsummer Night's Dream the apparently anarchic tendencies of the young lovers, of the mechanicals-as-actors, and of Puck are restrained by the "sharp Athenian law" and the law of the Palace Wood, by Theseus and Oberon, and their respective consorts. This tension within the world of the play is matched in its construction: in performance it can at times seem riotous and out of control, and yet the structure of the play shows a clear interest in symmetry and patterning. Confronted by the "sharp" law of Athens, and not wishing to obey it, Lysander thinks of escape. But he has no idea that the wood, which he sees merely as a rendezvous before he and Hermia fly to his aunt, has its own law and ruler. As Theseus is compromised by his own law, so is Oberon. Theseus wishes to overrule Egeus, but knows that his own authority derives from the law, that this cannot be set aside when it does not suit the ruler's wishes. He does discover a merciful provision of the law which Egeus has overlooked (for Hermia to choose "the livery of a nun") but hopes to persuade Demetrius to relinquish his claim, insisting that Hermia take time before choosing her fate. The lovers' difficulties are made clear by the law of Athens, but arise from their own passions: thus, when they enter the woods, they take their problems with them. Oberon is compromised because his quarrel with Titania has caused him and her to neglect their duties: Oberon, who should rule firmly over the enti re fairy kingdom cannot rule in his own domestic arrangements. We see how each ruler, in turn, resolves this problem, without further breaking of his law. In the lov... ...espeare's control of the play proper. This is shown both on the small and the large scale. The linguistic variety of the play (see below) and the control of the four narrative strands are such that the play has enjoyed great success in performance. In the wood, Shakespeare will leave a group of characters alone for as long as he needs to, but we never lose touch with their story. It is typical of Shakespeare that the mortals we see first in the wood are Demetrius and Helena; at once the playwright shows us the cause of Demetrius' rejection of Helena and lets us know that the other pair are also in the wood. We do not need to see Lysander and Hermia before they have lost their way, but we are ready for Puck's mistake as he seeks one in "Athenian garments". Works Cited: Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. New York: Washington Square Press, 1993. Â   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay: Order and Disorder -- Midsummer Night Order and Disorder in A Midsummer Night's Dream Order and disorder is a favorite theme of Shakespeare. In A Midsummer Night's Dream the apparently anarchic tendencies of the young lovers, of the mechanicals-as-actors, and of Puck are restrained by the "sharp Athenian law" and the law of the Palace Wood, by Theseus and Oberon, and their respective consorts. This tension within the world of the play is matched in its construction: in performance it can at times seem riotous and out of control, and yet the structure of the play shows a clear interest in symmetry and patterning. Confronted by the "sharp" law of Athens, and not wishing to obey it, Lysander thinks of escape. But he has no idea that the wood, which he sees merely as a rendezvous before he and Hermia fly to his aunt, has its own law and ruler. As Theseus is compromised by his own law, so is Oberon. Theseus wishes to overrule Egeus, but knows that his own authority derives from the law, that this cannot be set aside when it does not suit the ruler's wishes. He does discover a merciful provision of the law which Egeus has overlooked (for Hermia to choose "the livery of a nun") but hopes to persuade Demetrius to relinquish his claim, insisting that Hermia take time before choosing her fate. The lovers' difficulties are made clear by the law of Athens, but arise from their own passions: thus, when they enter the woods, they take their problems with them. Oberon is compromised because his quarrel with Titania has caused him and her to neglect their duties: Oberon, who should rule firmly over the enti re fairy kingdom cannot rule in his own domestic arrangements. We see how each ruler, in turn, resolves this problem, without further breaking of his law. In the lov... ...espeare's control of the play proper. This is shown both on the small and the large scale. The linguistic variety of the play (see below) and the control of the four narrative strands are such that the play has enjoyed great success in performance. In the wood, Shakespeare will leave a group of characters alone for as long as he needs to, but we never lose touch with their story. It is typical of Shakespeare that the mortals we see first in the wood are Demetrius and Helena; at once the playwright shows us the cause of Demetrius' rejection of Helena and lets us know that the other pair are also in the wood. We do not need to see Lysander and Hermia before they have lost their way, but we are ready for Puck's mistake as he seeks one in "Athenian garments". Works Cited: Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. New York: Washington Square Press, 1993. Â  

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Students Should Study Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

Mark Twain published what scholars still consider one of the greatest American literary works in 1885, and in that same year it suffered its first banning (Zwick). â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is essential to the understanding of the American soul,† Victor Doyno states on the jacket of Random House’s comprehensive edition of the novel. If Huckleberry Finn is so indispensable, then its having been opposed from the beginning of its life seems more than a little surprising. At first, the strife was caused by many objecting to the friendship between Huckleberry Finn, the white protagonist, and Jim, an escaped African American slave, in addition to the grammar upon which many critics of the time frowned. As our society experiences changes in priorities, taboos, and social trends, the points of concern shift, and no longer do critics grimace at an interracial friendship; instead, they attack the racism supposedly present (Chadwick). A number of students, parents, and, on less frequent occasions, teachers claim that Huckleberry Finn possesses racist overtones and try to have it removed from school libraries and the curriculum. Despite the controversy, Huckleberry Finn, in which Twain delivers an honest depiction of the 1800’s, maintains its stance as a classic piece of literature beneficial to a student’s education (Chadwick). The shallowest and most prevalent argument involves the repeated, some attackers say excessive, use of the word â€Å"nigger,† which appears over two hundred times (Zwick). Today, the word is unquestionably one of the most offensive expletives in use; the book, however, was not written for this decade, or even this century, and it certainly was not intended to be a written prediction of the future. Huck... ...nd hopefully in another century, his writing will continue to enlighten future students. WORKS CITED â€Å"Blackface: The Minstrel Tradition.† Louisville University. 12 March 2003>. Chadwick, Jocelyn. â€Å"Why Huck Finn Belongs in Classrooms.† Harvard Education Research Letter Online. November 2000. 10 February 2003>. Gregory Leslie. â€Å"Finding Jim Behind the Mask: The Revelation of African American Humanity in Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.† Ampersand. 13 July 1998. 12 March 2003>. Salwen, Peter. â€Å"Is Huck Finn a Racist Book?† Salwen Business Communications. 1996. 10 February 2003>. â€Å"Stereotype.† Def. 2. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. 1997.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Energy Drinks Case Study Essay

Competition in Energy Drinks, sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages Case Study There are new coming items in beverage industry during the mid-2000s, which are energy drinks, sports drinks and Vitamin-Enhanced beverages. These items focus on different flavors, specified consumers, efficient distribution systems, and products innovation in the beverage market. They compete with water, soft drinks, juices, tea, and other common drinks, which are in low prices, good and long history of brand reputation, easy to accept the taste. From 2005 until now, alternative beverages grow fast and take more and more market share in the whole world beverage market. The main alternative beverages companies are Coca Cola, PepsiCo, Red Bull and Hansen Natural Corporation. Energy drinks, spots drinks, and vitamin-enhanced beverages use many strategies to find a good position in the beverage industry in the Global market, which also give us some ideas about how to operate beverage companies. Firstly, alternative beverages take the action via wider product selection, better product quality, good delivery system to gain sales and market share. For example, PepsiCo develops 12 flavors of Amp Energy drinks and 28 varieties of SoBe vitamin-enhanced drinks (Gamble, 2010, p. C-83). Again, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola through their own soft drinks distribution channels to deliver energy drinks at the same time, which reduce much time and cost. Secondly, energy drinks take big actions to enter emerging market opportunities, like most Asia countries and South America. For example, alternative beverages take 31. 5% market share in Asia-Pacific in 2009 (Gamble, 2010, p. C77). Thirdly, Energy drinks, spots drinks, and vitamin-enhanced beverages try to acquire or merge with other small companies to strengthen market standing and competitiveness. For instance, PepsiCo has a multiyear distribution agreement with Rockstar to distribute Rockstar energy drinks in the United States and Canada (Gamble, 2010, p. C-83). Coca-Cola also has a multiyear distribution agreement with Hansen Natural Corporation to distribute Hansen’s Monster energy drink in some areas of the United States, Canada, and six European countries (Gamble, 2010, p.C-84). SWOT Analysis Strengths| Weaknesses| * Healthier than traditional soda. * Global brands * New product development * Strong manufacturing and distribution capabilities * Strong support of parent company| * High price * Consumer limitation| Opportunities| Threats| * Growing demand for healthy drinks * High growth developing markets * Cost reduction measures| * Traditional drinks competition which includes price and taste * Regulations and law * Health risks * Environment problem * New entrents|. To solve weaknesses and threats, alternative beverages industry companies set up business models to match the customer value and gain profit. Firstly, Energy drinks, sports drinks, and vitamin-enhanced beverages companies develop many different flavors to match different customers’ taste. Second, these companies also focus on different customers’ demands. Third, they sell products in many different locations, not only supermarkets, but also convenience stores and vending machines around every corner, which give convenient service to customers. Fourth, alternative beverage companies always try to follow the state law and regulations. Try to avoid risk ingredients. Fifth, to pretend the health risk, some companies placed warnings on their products labels. Sixth, because many people and organizations are focus on environment issues, alternative beverages’ plastic bottles and cans are really concern by these people. To solve this problem, beverage companies recycle plastic bottles and cans to keep pollution away. I also have some recommendations to alternative beverage companies to grow bigger and faster in the global market. First, try to make innovation on the local taste in different countries. Do research on people’s taste in various countries. McDonald’s is a good example in promoting global market. McDonald’s knows Indian people don’t eat beef and pork and love spicy food, so McDonald’s over there never have any product with beef or pork but with more spicy taste. Again, don’t put sensitive ingredients in the drinks. People are more curious about health and drink ingredients. Many organizations are strict with it, too. Try to produce healthier and more nutritious drinks to the market. Moreover, drinks’ function attempts to everyone, but not only for a small group of people. Nowadays, teenage boys always buy energy drinks, people who do sports, fitness, or other strenuous activities bought sports drinks; adult consumers are interested in buying vitamin-enhanced beverages (Gamble, 2010, p. C-77). What I recommend is alternative beverage companies should develop beverages suitable for most people. White collar can drink energy drinks; sports people also suitable to buy some kinds of vitamin-enhanced beverages. Additionally, don’t publicize the function too powerful. Some alternative drinks have some special effects, but not like what the advertisement said. If the company wants to operate for a long time running, it should be honest and act in good faith. Last but not least, incumbents of alternative drinks use strong brand preferences, high degrees of customer loyalty, significant cost advantages to keep new entrants out of the market. References: Gamble, John E. (2010). Competition in Energy Drinks, sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages. Crafting & Executing Strategy. p. C-77. Gamble, John E. (2010). Competition in Energy Drinks, sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages. Crafting & Executing Strategy. p. C-79. Gamble, John E. (2010). Competition in Energy Drinks, sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages. Crafting & Executing Strategy. p. C-83. Gamble, John E. (2010). Competition in Energy Drinks, sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages. Crafting & Executing Strategy. p. C-84.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Brief Introduction of the Issues In the Meeting

Aim at the irregular trade between the Saving Drugs Corporation and the European Union, I have taken down the introduction about the issues and want to turn to you for help. It will not just concern the company’s profit but also the immigrants’ who arrive in Southern Europe each year. Actually, the European Union is devastating to Saving Drugs Corporation’s business plan to import less costly pediatric polio drugs manufactured by Saving Drugs Corporation into the European Union.By using the measure of imposing a 100% tax on pediatric polio drugs of whose country of origin is other than one within the European Union or a former colony of an EU member in Africa or Asia, they can hinder Saving Drugs Corporation’s plan going on smoothly. In fact, it is not conformed to the common law. Tariff is used to limit exotic products and protect one country’s own products. Besides, it can also weaken the competition of other countries’ goods and prevent th em against taking up the whole market. However, if one country raises the rate of tariff to 100%, it is not normal at all.â€Å"When the rate of tariff reaches one hundred percentages or several hundred percentages, it is a kind of Protective Duties. † Miecha just wants to warn the European Union of the high tariff rate, and they must take it into account and change the tariff rate. Besides, Miecha believes this is a blatant violation of the antidiscrimination provision of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) known as the national treatment rule, and she asserts the aim-and-effect of the EU tax is to discriminate against non-European immigrants.We should treat each man equally. â€Å"One should not lightly dismiss the inherent unfairness of, and the perception of mistreatment that accompanies a system of allocating benefits and privileges on the basis of skin color and ethnic origin. † Although the immigrants are not your own citizens, you still need to tr eat them as well as local people. The country should pay attention to their living conditions, work environment, healthy situation. If their fundamental conditions cannot be met, it is not good for the country’s stability and development.The European Union should not discriminate against non-European immigrants. In addition, WATT is concerned about the tariff and trade between countries, and it plays an important role in regulating and harmonizing the relationship of each other. For example, with the help of WATT, â€Å"Uruguay has lowered its industrial products’ tariff from 5% to 4%. † Under the WATT’s regulation, the tariff barriers could be solved much better. It is not conducive to international trade to raise the tariff too high; on the contrary, it will hinder and decrease the cooperation between different companies.Usually, we can work out the protective tariff rate by a formula: first, we use the domestic market price of the import products minus the international market price of the import products; second, we use the result of the above divide the international market price of the import products and then multiply 100%, and that is the appropriate tariff rate. If the European Union can formulate the correct tariff rate, Saving Drugs Corporation will keep a good relationship and cooperate with it.What is more, European Union’s policy will result in the burden to immigrants. Once the import tariff rises, the price to sale in the market will be higher at the same time. It is a kind of saving product, and the major purpose is to help those who live a hard life. If European Union still keeps the high tariff, it is not the Saving Drugs Corporation’s loss but also the poor immigrants’ loss too. The major purpose to have a meeting with congresswoman is ensuring that no WTO member would enact a measure that blatantly violated an international trade treaty.We should use the rules of WTO and WATT to protect the profit of the Saving Drugs Corporation whose drugs are intended for distribution to the over 20,000 African, sub-Saharan and the undocumented immigrants who arrive in Southern Europe each year. Each law in the world is based on the human nature, that is, people’s reasonable and legal profits will protected by the law. Nevertheless, if European Union still imposes the 100% tax on pediatric polio drugs, both the company and the poor immigrants will be harmed greatly.What we need most is a statement of the relevant rules of law needed to resolve the issue, a statement of the court’s holding on each issue, and a statement of the steps of the court’s reasoning in applying the rules to the facts to resolve each issue. I will wait for your answer and all of us wish it would be an impartial and reasonable decision. Bibliography: 1. Xiang Yijun, 2002, International Trade and Theory, Beijing: Chinese Agricultural Press 2. Frank I. Michelman, 2004, the Harvard Law Review, Reasonable Umbrage, V. 117 No. 5, Page1378 3. Tramy, 2004, GATT and WTO, http://tramy. blogdriver. com/tramy/94001. html

Gender Identity

Gender Identity Kenneth Williams Psy 340 4/1/2013 Raymond Bragg Sex may be biological and although we may be born male or female, culturally that is not only what defines our gender roles, agree or disagree, there are many cultural influences that affect today’s gender roles. We are at a point culturally were traditional definitions are often a moot point, in my home and the homes of my children traditional roles are followed, but in many homes today that is not the case, cultural influences have often taken over for traditional values what may have been the standard once is no longer.Include the roles of biological factors, nature and environmental influences, nurture on sexual differentiation and gender identity. Nature is responsible for the growth of a person from the sperm and egg level until the natural development into a normal adult. The genetic makeup of a human being is responsible for their sex, skin color, color of their eyes and hair as well as distinguishing feat ures which are inherited from their parents. Nature can only assist in the growth of a fetus into a normal well-developed adult who may have inherited some special talents.Thus it can be concluded that nature uses the genetic coding to help in physical development and does impart some positive or negative traits to an individual’s natural development. However, it is nurture which can be used to improve he positive traits and diminish the negative traits in a child. It is indeed important to recognize that nature in the form of inherited traits does exist but a person’s overall behavior is influenced a great deal by the nurture or â€Å"upbringing† and the environmental factors involved in this upbringing. Several recent studies carried out on infant and child behavior have shown that there is significant evidence to support the fact that nurture strongly influences human development especially in the early years† (Collins 2000). In traditional society most parents encourage their kids to take part in extracurricular activities like learning music, dance or sports in accordance with the child’s talents and interests. The talents have been given by nature but they can only be developed into skills through the hard work of nurture.Based on your evaluation, determine which has the greater influence on gender identity: nature or nurture. Undoubtedly, nurture plays a very big role in early human development. Nurture in some way or another aids in speeding up an individual's capacity to study and learn new things. There is the common saying that â€Å"practice makes perfect,† so an individual can improve knowledge by practicing to adapt to all the situations in these circumstances or environment (Sports or academia). The part which nurture plays in human development has been demonstrated by psychologists in experiments in which stepping practice was administered to a cohort of inference for just a few minutes many times in a d ay. It was later that these children were able to walk several days earlier than infants who had not been given stepping practice† (Zucker2000). Influence has its effect on any outcome. Discuss the current arguments about sexual identity and how evidence from biopsychology may help resolve the argument.It is obvious that nature is responsible for producing healthy and well-developed babies, but it is also nurture that plays an important role in the early stages of human development also. †Research has concluded beyond doubt that early human development is quicker and more focused due to nurture as it builds up on the talents provided by nature. Nature may be responsible for the normal development of the fetus into a normal and healthy infant, but it cannot entirely develop that fetus into an intelligent, knowledgeable or athletic adult. (Collins 2000) This is possible only through the exposure and influence that nurture gives a person. Therefore, it would be a true state ment to say that nature has some degree of influence, nurture also strongly influences early and further human development. To determine where the greater influence comes from is based on one’s own morals, beliefs and own personal influences. The argument on wheatear someone is born gay or influenced is an argument that has been going on for ages and will continue, is it nature or nurture?Are great athletes born or made, there has to be genetic influence, but, that natural ability has to be nurtured, the same argument can be made for something as meaningless as being a model, they may be born beautiful but, the care of one’s self has to be taught. Resources www. apa. org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation. aspx Lalumiere, M,. Blanchard, R,. Zucker, K,. (2000) Sexual orientation and handedness in men and women: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin. 126. 575-592. Collins W. A. , Maccoby, E. E. , Steinberg, L. , Hetherington, M. E. , Bornstein, M. H. (2000). The case for na ture and nurture. Am. Psychol. 55:218-232. Gender Identity Gender Identity Kenneth Williams Psy 340 4/1/2013 Raymond Bragg Sex may be biological and although we may be born male or female, culturally that is not only what defines our gender roles, agree or disagree, there are many cultural influences that affect today’s gender roles. We are at a point culturally were traditional definitions are often a moot point, in my home and the homes of my children traditional roles are followed, but in many homes today that is not the case, cultural influences have often taken over for traditional values what may have been the standard once is no longer.Include the roles of biological factors, nature and environmental influences, nurture on sexual differentiation and gender identity. Nature is responsible for the growth of a person from the sperm and egg level until the natural development into a normal adult. The genetic makeup of a human being is responsible for their sex, skin color, color of their eyes and hair as well as distinguishing feat ures which are inherited from their parents. Nature can only assist in the growth of a fetus into a normal well-developed adult who may have inherited some special talents.Thus it can be concluded that nature uses the genetic coding to help in physical development and does impart some positive or negative traits to an individual’s natural development. However, it is nurture which can be used to improve he positive traits and diminish the negative traits in a child. It is indeed important to recognize that nature in the form of inherited traits does exist but a person’s overall behavior is influenced a great deal by the nurture or â€Å"upbringing† and the environmental factors involved in this upbringing. Several recent studies carried out on infant and child behavior have shown that there is significant evidence to support the fact that nurture strongly influences human development especially in the early years† (Collins 2000). In traditional society most parents encourage their kids to take part in extracurricular activities like learning music, dance or sports in accordance with the child’s talents and interests. The talents have been given by nature but they can only be developed into skills through the hard work of nurture.Based on your evaluation, determine which has the greater influence on gender identity: nature or nurture. Undoubtedly, nurture plays a very big role in early human development. Nurture in some way or another aids in speeding up an individual's capacity to study and learn new things. There is the common saying that â€Å"practice makes perfect,† so an individual can improve knowledge by practicing to adapt to all the situations in these circumstances or environment (Sports or academia). The part which nurture plays in human development has been demonstrated by psychologists in experiments in which stepping practice was administered to a cohort of inference for just a few minutes many times in a d ay. It was later that these children were able to walk several days earlier than infants who had not been given stepping practice† (Zucker2000). Influence has its effect on any outcome. Discuss the current arguments about sexual identity and how evidence from biopsychology may help resolve the argument.It is obvious that nature is responsible for producing healthy and well-developed babies, but it is also nurture that plays an important role in the early stages of human development also. †Research has concluded beyond doubt that early human development is quicker and more focused due to nurture as it builds up on the talents provided by nature. Nature may be responsible for the normal development of the fetus into a normal and healthy infant, but it cannot entirely develop that fetus into an intelligent, knowledgeable or athletic adult. (Collins 2000) This is possible only through the exposure and influence that nurture gives a person. Therefore, it would be a true state ment to say that nature has some degree of influence, nurture also strongly influences early and further human development. To determine where the greater influence comes from is based on one’s own morals, beliefs and own personal influences. The argument on wheatear someone is born gay or influenced is an argument that has been going on for ages and will continue, is it nature or nurture?Are great athletes born or made, there has to be genetic influence, but, that natural ability has to be nurtured, the same argument can be made for something as meaningless as being a model, they may be born beautiful but, the care of one’s self has to be taught. Resources www. apa. org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation. aspx Lalumiere, M,. Blanchard, R,. Zucker, K,. (2000) Sexual orientation and handedness in men and women: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin. 126. 575-592. Collins W. A. , Maccoby, E. E. , Steinberg, L. , Hetherington, M. E. , Bornstein, M. H. (2000). The case for na ture and nurture. Am. Psychol. 55:218-232.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Introduction of Information Technology Related to Hotel and Restaurant Management

Chapter II Review of Related Literature Students look forward to the opportunity to choose their academic plans and classes. According to the enhanced cognitive engagement theory, allowing students to choose which classes they enroll in increases motivation and independence which in turn increases a student's cognitive processing and performance, however, the task of course selection is very complex with multiple considerations, most of which overlap with one another.Students are influenced by the different academic portions of the class such as the value of the content, the structure, and the workload. They also have to decide what is important to them with regards to their interests, personal academic goals, and their schedule. But students do not make these decisions alone because they do occasionally seek advice from their family, faculty, and/or friends. Not all of the different considerations of a course are as influential as others, but it is important to know what students wa nt from their classes, what they expect of themselves, and who they will listen to.Educators and schools need to know this information; especially those of elective courses so they can meet the needs of students and have them continue to enroll in their class. More importantly though, if teachers can adapt their classes to better meet the needs of students the students will be more engaged which will increase their comprehension and excitement for the curriculum, which should be any teacher's ultimate goal. The following paper provides further analysis on the most current research based on influential factors of course enrollment.The first section deals with the academic considerations such as, value and execution, teacher, and workload. The student must also take into consideration their own personal preferences of their interests, capabilities, gender, and their schedule, which is explained throughout the second section. The third component deals with the influential sources a stu dent may listen to including their family, peers, and the faculty at their school. Finally, the gaps and limitations of the research are discussed along with the need of further research. Reference: (http://voices. ahoo. com/the-factors-influence-students-decision-for-8258751. html) Each course is a unique mix of many different ingredients — from subject matter, to fellow students, to the jobs it leads to. The following points can be used as a checklist of things you need to find out about courses of interest. Think about what you will learn and how you’ll learn it . Subject matter is the first step to success is studying something you are interested in. Intellectual style, some courses are mainly ‘quantitative' (how's your maths? ), others are ‘verbal' or language based.Some encourage you to have your own ideas, ask the big questions and find out about the world. Work patterns, courses vary in the time students spend in lectures, tutorials, studios and lab classes and completing self-directed study. Some courses also have an industry-based learning component. If it is tough to study and pass. Some fields of study are notoriously tough, with high failure and drop-out rates. How long they take, VET certificates generally take a year or less of full-time study, diplomas and advanced diplomas around two years and bachelor degrees three or four years.Double degrees, ‘honours' courses and part-time programs will take longer. How much choice they allow, some courses require all students to complete the same ‘core’ subjects, while others allow you to choose a lot of electives. International study opportunities, optional summer study tours or study abroad and exchange programs may offer credit towards some courses. How you can study, courses may be offered full time, part time, by distance education or on an accelerated trimester schedule. Not all courses offer all options.Quality, regardless of their subject matter, course s should be well run by experienced staff and (if applicable) meet industry standards.Reference:(http://gooduniguide. com. au/School-Leavers/Choosing/How-to-choose-a-course) Choosing the course that you are going to study for the next 3 or 4 years can be difficult. Course content will vary between institutions and it is important to check that the courses you are applying for cover the topics you are most interested in. Reference:(http://www2. warwick. c. uk/study/undergraduate/apply/choosing/) The number of courses you take each semester will be one of the most important factors affecting your success at school. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of choosing courses at the beginning of semester when you're rested and ready for a challenge. But you need to flash forward to mid-term – when the day-to-day reality of classes, assignments, reading, essays and exams will be all too real. Reference: (http://www. cmha. ca/youreducation/courses. html)

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Dear Doug 1

Dear Doug I am glad to hear that you are settled in and that everything is well. It is also a relief to hear that you and your roommate seem to be getting along and I hope that your friendship with Nathan will grow. I have thought about your questions and decided on some ways to help you explain, and help Nathan interpret and understand Christianity. In my life I have experienced the same situation you mentioned about Christian terminology and what it means to be a Christian.I grew up in a Christian home under Christian principles and it had not occurred to me â€Å"why do I believe in Christianity†? Of course this did not occur to me until I was older and had thought about it for some time. I thought about this world and how it could have been created not by mere chance but by something or someone far more intelligent than mere humans, not by chance. This universe and everything in it was created with superior intelligence and for a purpose.I looked into Christianity and saw how God created the earth; a being far above humans because we were made by him; a perfect powerful all knowing being who created us in his likeness to serve a distinct purpose in this world, rather than leaving it up to mere chance. I knew there had to be a reason for this world and a good one! I looked farther into Christianity and the story of how God created the earth called the Gospel. I am sure you have heard of the Gospel and read the story, but you must take into account many things before you explain it to a non-Christian.Many non-Christians are not familiar with Christian terminology because they have not looked into Christianity and read the Bible to understand our belief, and we as Christ’s followers must explain the Gospel in a simplified way for people who are not familiar with certain Christian terminology so they can understand the concept and become more familiar with the terminology. One way you can simplify the meaning of these words is to define them and s implify them in a way that you clearly present the meaning of that word.An example would be instead of saying we are sinful people, you could say we are disobedient or you could define sin as bad behavior or actions that you commit. Use words that people use on regular bases to define a certain word, which will give them a better understanding since they already understand the correct meaning of that word to better understand any Christian terminology. You may not have known, but you have already or at least started to formulate and create your own worldview. A worldview is exactly what it sounds like, it’s the way we interpret, understand, and our opinion about the world and how we view it.A worldview is how you see the world and your opinion or idea of reality. Norman Geisler and William Watkins give a very well thought out worldview explanation and an example that may help you understand, â€Å"It is an interpretive framework through which or by which one makes sense of t he data of life and the world. † A worldview is like a pair of glasses and the only way to view the world and everything in it, is through the pair of glasses, and like the prescription of glasses, everyone’s worldview is different. Now that I have given you an understanding of a worldview I will do my best to explain to you what a Christian worldview is.A Christian worldview would basically be a Christian influence on how you shape your worldview. A Christian worldview would be based on Christian principles that you’ve read and learned about in your life. How you view the world and reality would be based on Christian morals and ethics rather than a different world view based on society’s standards. A Christian worldview is typically a brighter more positive outlook on life rather than a worldview not based on Christianity; it gives you more of a purpose and reason for the questions what? , why? , and how? Your last question I also struggled with and still do from time to time.We all know that we have accepted Christ into our hearts but the greater reason is why. I have asked this question to myself many times and sometimes feel over whelmed, but there is a reason. Take a look around this world; it is full of proof and purpose. The intelligence that was required to form this world was more than mere chance but above normal human intelligence. God a supernatural being who is perfect created this earth for a purpose and with intelligent design. You yourself were made for a purpose and you yourself are far more complex to be created out of mere chance.Also the sacrifice that God made for us to have another chance even though we wronged him, beyond human means of forgiveness, it amazes me how someone could love us so much; still wanting to obtain a relationship with us. Even when we show disobedience and repetitively wrong God he will still forgive us if we truly and honestly ask for forgiveness from him. He gave us free will to make our own decisions to disobey him or to love him. I hope that this letter has assisted you in understanding your questions and I would be glad to attempt and answer more, so keep thinking and writing! I hope everything with your roommate goes well, Daniel

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 - Essay Example The paper below will focus on the various elements of sustainability that were discussed in Agenda 21 and their application via a country profiling. The global commission on the environment was introduced by the United Nations so as to provide a global agenda for change in terms of sustainable development. It was vital to address this issue as this has significant implications for the future of the world. Prevention of poverty and safeguarding the environment is part of the review. Two concepts can be gathered pertaining to sustainable development. These are the concept of needs and the concept of policymaking regarding the environment’s capacity to address the future and current needs. The needs in question are the needs to comprehend political, social, technological and cultural components of the global system (Sitarz, 2004). Several crucial areas can be picked from the proceedings of the Agenda. An important area that is covered in the Agenda is sustainable human settlement development. This is discussed in chapter seven of the Agenda. It is concerned with ensuring adequate shelter for all despite increasing rate of development. There is also focus on the need for reviving growth so as to cater for food and water, in addition to energy needs, to cater for the increase in human settlement. Another key area that is addressed is the need for improved and sustainable sanitation in terms of pollution minimization and the promotion of environmental infrastructure. Re-orientation of technology is also a paramount issue when it comes to sustainable development. So as to offset all this, there is a need for collaboration between economic and environmental decisions (Sitarz, 2008). The report points out how the future of the world can be secured through sustainable developments in various key fields. The report points out that the world cannot exist without development. However, these developments need to have the elements of sustainability  so as to preserve the integrity of the planet.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Restaurant Procedures Purchasing, Receiving, Storage, Preparation, Assignment

Restaurant Procedures Purchasing, Receiving, Storage, Preparation, Selling And Service - Assignment Example Starting a restaurant business comes with its challenges though it can be a paying job. Before starting a restaurant, it is wise research on the restaurant service and location. This will assure that are doing the correct thing and offer a satisfaction that your restaurant will be a successful. Trust is necessary to your produce or service as it may consume your time, particularly during the start-up period. There are common matters to consider such as principles, financing, handling your business, promoting, and taxation. Working in the restaurant and learning the essentials is significant first step to becoming a proprietor. Knowing your target market will help solidify the menu, determine the locality, design and the overall atmosphere of your restaurant. A restaurant will need a brief business strategy. This strategy should include: concept and goal of your restaurant; definite financial information and estimates; an n account of your target market; an advertising and marketing p lan; your menu and pricing and a potential exit strategy. Make sure the menu is striking to your target market, affordable within your budget, and matches your restaurant's design concept. Site is important in the restaurant world. It is important to find a location that has a convenient parking and is in proximity to other businesses particularly if you are catering to the lunch customers. When designing your kitchen, reflect about what's on the menu in order to fix what is needed for the food preparation area. Identify a suitable